Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Distinctive Feature of Food Registration, State License and Central License

Food Business Registration and Licensing:

Friends nowadays for starting any food business to have registration number or license number is considered as the need of an hour.

The main responsibility lies towards the FBO i.e. Food Business Operator.

FBO means a person or entity engaged in any undertaking, whether private or public, for-profit or not, carrying out any of the activities related to any stage of manufacture, processing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution of food, imports and including food services, sale of food or food ingredients.

With concern to the food business a person needs to be having registration number or license to run his business for any article of food or engaged in any activity therein.


FLRS (Food Licensing and Registration System) is the licensing apex body under FSSAI and launched in 2012. But due to some problems like an outdated system, less technical support and not cope with new changes FLRS is migrated to FoSCoS (Food Safety Compliance System). From the 1st June 2020 FoSCoS come into effect to provide one point stop for all engagement of a Food Business Operator with concern to regulatory compliance.

In the first phase of the launch of the compliance system 09 states or U.T. (Union Territory) are selected. These are mainly Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Goa, Delhi, Odisha, Manipur, Chandigarh, Puducherry, and Ladakh. The details are available at

Distinctive Feature of Registration, State License, and Central License:

There are too many states of confusion regarding how to go for registration, state license, and central license. Though the registration and licensing system migrated toward Food Safety Compliance System the features of the registration and license remain the same.

Now, we move forward towards the distinctive points regarding all the three parameters with their specifications. There are three main pillars for the food business category.

1. Registration

2. State License

3. Central License

1. Registration: Generally we are in the myth that too many charges are incurred to start a food business. But, in reality, one can start the business by Registration only. One can opt for registration purposes with annual turnover up to Rs. 12 Lakh along with Rs. 100 fees per year.

To choose for the registration only three documents are needed for oneself; A photo, ID proof, and declaration. A registration certificate has to be issued by the registration authority within 7 days of application date. If the authority wants to conduct an inspection of the premise then inspection could be conducted within 30 days of application date, if premises found in order as per Schedule 4 of FSS (Licensing and Registration of food businesses) Regulations, 2011.

2. State License:  When FBO conducting business in a single state with a turnover upto Rs. 20 crore need to obtain State license with a fees of Rs. 2000 to Rs. 5000 per year.

So, if the turnover is over Rs. 12 Lakh then definitely go for the state license otherwise, you may make an offense.

3. Central License: When FBO conducting business in two or more states or having premises located at seaport or airport or having turnover more than Rs. 20 crore then need to obtain a central license with a fees of Rs. 7500 per year.

It is indeed important that Chemists Shops, Retailers or any other retailing units are required to obtain FSSAI License if they are involved in the selling of food products through their outlets.

The duration of validity for license or registration is of 5 years. There is no provision of renewing of the license or registration after its expiry.

A License or registration renewal application can be made as early as 120 days in advance.

Petty food business operators:

Petty Food business operator means any small food the business operator needs a registration under FSSAI.

He himself may manufacture or sells any article of food or a petty retailer, hawkers, itinerant vendor or a temporary stallholder or small scale or cottage or such other industries relating to food businesses with an annual turnover up to Rs. 12 lakh.

Food Business Operator having turnover more than Rs. 12 lakh rupees need to be applied for the license. If you do not possess the license then it may be treated as ‘Conducting Business without License’ and it is an offense under section 63 of FSS Act, 2006 and for which provision of the penalty of upto Rs. 5 Lakhs and imprisonment upto 06 months.

So the business category which started at the nascent stage but right not their annual turnover is over Rs. 12 lakh need to apply for FSSAI license as per the specified criteria.

Here, you may track the status of your application on the website of FSSAI.  You may get more information from 'Food Safety Connect' App. The information can also be accessed through FBO Search facility available on 

Identification of Registration number or License Category:

Now, we discuss one small method by which one could identify the food business category. It means we are able to sort out the food products which have certified under Registration or state license or central license.

FSSAI license number and registration number both are 14 digit numbers. The license number starts with ‘1’, while the registration number starts with ‘2. The first three-digit pattern of FSSAI Central license out of 14 digits are in the pattern of 100. So, the License number is ‘100XXXXXXXXXX’

Hence, by looking at just the FSSAI number we could identify its status or category thoroughly.

Consultant or Facilitators:

One question could be in our mind that who could act as Helping Hand for the food business operators. So, here FSM (Food Safety Mitra) plays an important role. They act as Authorized facilitators or consultants of FSSAI for filling applications of FSSAI license or registration.

FSSAI launched FSM who provides a helping hand for FBO’s for filling the application form, license, and registration, training and auditing, hygiene rating at different institutions and you could find the nearby FSM in your location by entering pin code of the area on the website home page. For more details, you may visit the link


Reference Video:

To understand the whole concept in easier manner the YouTube Video is attached herewith.



1. There are three main categories in the food business namely Registration, State License, and Central License.

2. For a small food business operator whose annual turnover is upto Rs. 12 lakh he opts for Registration.

3. When business is located in a single state with annual turnover upto Rs. 20 Crore then one may opt for State License with annual fees of Rs. 2000 to Rs. 5000.

4. When FBO conducting business in two or more states or having a location at the premise of airport or seaport with annual turnover more than Rs. 20 Crore then one may go for Central License.

5. The main platform for registration and licensing for FBO has migrated from FLRS (Food Licensing and Registration System) to FoSCoS (Food Safety Compliance System).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir.
it will clear all my doubts.