Monday, August 31, 2020

Motivation: Meaning and Importance


 Motivation: Meaning and Importance 

As we know the most important skill one has to acquaint is the ‘Motivation’. The term has its own implications and advances. Generally, motivation is a force to inspire the peoples with their willingness to complete the task.

The word ‘Motivation’ came from the ‘Latin’ root; ‘Movere which means ‘To Move’. It has its own implications towards the individual, organization, business and even for the nation.


“Motivation is a process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of efforts towards achieving the target”.

There are three important combinations of the words in the definition. Let’s discuss the meaning of each one.

Intensity: How hard a person tries. It mainly includes the ability towards the work.

Direction: Efforts towards goal. It contains a way by which a person desire to attain the goal. It must be specific and realistic in nature.

Persistence: How long to maintain his or her efforts. It clearly implies motivation is not just to have all the resources in your arena, the consistency of efforts matters the most.

Importance of Motivation:

Motivation is the prominent feature or characteristics one has to possess. It has many important attributes that are useful to carve the required future with concern to a human being. Now, we discuss the Importance of Motivation with concern to five different aspects or entities. It mainly includes an Individual, Employee, Organization, Management and Nationwide.

Importance of Motivation for Individual:

1. Need Satisfaction: It mainly useful for satisfaction of need i.e. basic necessity of life. By means of motivation one has to satisfy the Individual and Group need.

2. Empower Learning: As it is rightly quoted that ‘A good learner has many chances to become a good Motivator’. Hence, continue learning impart required skills in an Individual.

3. Self Discipline: Motivation is imperative to promoted self discipline in an Individual. As self discipline is crucial to maintain and regulate on self-stated principles and values.

4. Individual Relations: Improvement in relations are important task for an individual.  Healthy relations pave a way to remain intact with the organization, society.

5. Behavior Change: Motivation allows changing the behavior of an individual with an optimistic way.

6. Set Goals: It is important to set goals and acquire requisite talents, skills to pursue the desired goal.

7. Need for Achievement: It is an individual’s desire for significant achievement of furnishing skills and required efforts to attain the need. As, it is indeed important, to have aspirations for excellence, performance standards and innovations.

8. Healthy Life: By means of motivation a person lives a healthy life. He has proven mastering over the different problems and to maintain balance in critical circumstances.

9. Resource: Here an individual act as a resource to many needy ones. He will empower the living of many people by positive influence.

10. Focused Concentration: To achieve the end results ones concentration has to be focused towards achieving the target. Motivation act as helping hand to have focus in the essential division. It also imparts to sort out priority things for an individual.

11. Sustain the Pressure: As a motivated person, individuals become calm and have the risk-taking ability. He will prepare himself to sustain the pressure that occurred due to any known or unknown things.

Importance of Motivation for Employee:

1. Increase in Performance: Due to motivation an employee in the organization work effectively and he work with own obligations and responsibility towards the company.  Hence there is increase in performance level for an employee.

2. Job Satisfaction:  It is most likely factor to impact the efficiency of employee. Here, Motivation improvises the ability and willingness to maximize the potential.

3. Empower skills: It is helpful to impart certain required skills like technical skills, human skills, analytical skills and, etc. It also useful to have proper sound and thorough knowledge.

4. Human Relations: An employee can develop their relations with concern to coordination among the team.

5. Communication: Helps to improve the flow of communication between senior authority and employees. Here, both parties understand the need of each other in an effective manner.

6. Psychological Advantage: As an enthusiastic person feels happy and comfortable while doing the work. It creates a psychological advantage and a person feels satisfaction against his work.

7. Positive Attitude: With concern to nature of person positive attitude increases.

8. Accountability: Due to good performance employee is accountable to the superior authority.

9. Up-gradation: It reflects on the advancement in the job.

Importance of Motivation for Organization:

1. Employee Engagement: It involves allocation of task to the employee as per their capability.

2. Increase in Productivity: When we meet the needs of various employee then increase in productivity as a measure.

3. Productive Use of Resources: As the resources are limited one hence optimum utilization of resources required from organization point of view.

4. Development of Leaders: Motivation imparts leadership skills to an individual. It helps to influence other subordinates.

5. Proactive Workforce: The workforce is proactive in nature and sustains the pressure if any during any circumstances.

6. Increase Organizations Efficiency: When all individual are satisfied with their job and work in an effective manner results into increase in organizations efficiency.

7. Co-operation: A proper co-operation among the all department act as required boost for an organization.

8. Increase in Output: As more effective work culture progress the output from the organization also increases.

Importance of Motivation for Management:

1. Corrective Actions: Management ready to take corrective actions in fluctuating circumstances for an organization.

2. Employee Loyalty: With effective nature of work employee are more loyal and their retention is prolonged for a period of time.

3. Assistance in Directions: Motivation act as a facilitator for effective directing. It is useful tool to give directions by inspiring the people.

4. Social Benefits: It imparts a healthy relationships between employees and others. Also, provides social benefits with concern to the company image in the mindset of others.

5. Adaptation: There should be resource adaptability with productive functions for managing external environment. 

6. Cost Cutting: As more stability for an employee minimizes the cost-cutting on Induction and Training with concern to recruitment.

7. Supportive Environment: Due to proper work environment and co-ordination all employee acts as supportive to each other.

8. Reduction in Labour Problems: The cordial behaviour may reduce the labour problems for the management.

Importance of Motivation for Business:

1. Workforce Stability: Due to attractive motivational measures employees are satisfied in the organization. Hence, results in to full commitment and loyalty and stability also increased.

2. Goals Achievement: In a motivated organization all individual work as a team to achieve the goal. They know that, by achieving the targets they get rewards.

3. Industrial Relations: Good work culture conditions lead to effective industrial relations for the business.

4. Corporate Image: Business offerings, products, the loyalty of customer results into the good corporate image. When employees are satisfied then they have goodwill for business.

5. Reduces Absenteeism: When employees are motivated one they enjoy their work and there is sharp reduction in their absenteeism.

6. Increase in Morale and Values: With encouragement from industry the value of the business increases.

7. Dynamic Business: Here, a business may lead to dynamic diversification to their products and services. It is a way to capture more segments in the market.

8. Cope with New Advancement: It is very easy for the business to cope with new advancement due to influencing people, healthy conditions, encouragement, and job satisfaction.

Importance of Motivation for Nation:

1. Self Employment: With concern to Motivation yields a way to approach for the option of self employment. It creates a way of employment for self, family members and some near and dear ones.

2. Entrepreneur: By means of new innovations and creations one may opt as entrepreneur. Here, an individual introduces something new to the market with mutual benefits.

3. Per Capita Income: Timely inspiration results into increase into earning and results with rising per capita income.

4. Standard of Living: As an individual of the country standard of living also increases via proper motivation.

5. Regional Development: When a person start his or her business in the rural area then regional development of the nearby premise could  be possible.

6. Working Efficiency: As more number of people are satisfied with job, work culture and other condition yields increase in working efficiency of the country.

7. Resource Utilization: the people employ the resources available in ample quantity. It gives a backward linkage required for raw material and act as a connecting link for their development.

8. GDP: Overall impact is great to increase the Gross Domestic Product for a Nation. It is helpful to have a positive impact on GDP with increased motivation.

Reference Video:

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Functions of Management

MANAGEMENT – Concept and Functions


Definition: “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in a group to accomplish the selected aims”.

Business management requires the utilization of the entity’s resources in the most efficient manner possible. Business management comprises organizing, planning, leading, staffing or controlling and directing a business effort for the purpose of accomplishing the entity’s listed goals.



Scientist Fayol described the functions of management as PODSCORB i.e.

P: Planning                                  

O: Organizing

D: Directing                                

S: Scheduling

CO: Controlling                   

R: Reporting                                

B: Budgeting

But the most widely accepted are functions of management given by KOONTZ and O’DONNEL i.e. Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling as shown in Fig 1.


1. Planning: It is the process of selecting the objectives and determining the course of action required to achieve these objectives”.

Planning is a detailed programme regarding future courses of action. It is rightly said “Well plan is half done”.

Management by Objectives (MBO): “Objectives are end results towards which the activities are carried out in a business.”

Management By Objectives defined as a process where as the performance, goals and objectives set by subordinates in collaboration with his superior”.

MBO Process:

1.    Define organization goal

2.    Defining employee objective and organization objective

3.    Continuous monitoring of performance and progress.

4.    Performance, evaluation and review

5.    Providing Feedback

6.    Reporting and reviewing.

Essentials of MBO: (SMART)

ü  Objective should be specific.

ü  Measurable

ü  Appropriate

ü  Realistic

ü  Time bound

ü  Revised periodically for particular changes.


Steps in Planning:


Advantages of Planning:

ü  Effective planning and control

ü  Development of other plans i.e. policy, budget.

ü  Co-ordination in a business can be achieved.

ü  It increases people’s commitment.

ü  Reveals organization deficiency.

ü  It provides motivation.

ü  It is useful for performance evaluation.

Limitations of Planning:

ü  Time consuming and expensive in nature.

ü  Less applicable in routine job.

ü  Absence of fully commitment in management level.

ü  It is difficult to make comparative rating of individual because each individual’s goals are different from others.

Plan: “Plan of an organization is the synthesis of various forecast i.e. annual, long-term, short term, special etc.”

Types of Plans:

1.    Single use plans

2.    Standing plans.


1.    Single use plans: These plans with specific objectives and used only once. Once achieve, it is dissolved.

Ex.:  Budget, Programme

2.    Standing Plans: These plans are designed for situation that recurs to justify a standardized approach”. They are used more than once for repetitive problems. These are further classified as policy, procedure, method and Rule.


2. Organizing: “It is a process of identifying and grouping of activities required to attain the objectives”.

Importance of Organization:

Organization plays important role in all phases on man’s life i.e. hospital, school, office, factories. Knowledge of organization helps manager to work effectively.

It imparts certain skills in human such as technical, motivational, conflict, human skills. It is useful to study the human behavior.

It is important to know the three different functions of organization.

a.    Authority: “Authority is power given to a person to get work from his subordinates.”

b.    Responsibility: “Responsibility is amount of work form a man by his superior.”      

c.      Accountability: It clearly means that employee is accountable to superior authority for his performance. The authority and power should match with the responsibility and accountability.

Steps in Organizing:

1. Identification of Activities: To built effective organization manager must identify the series of activities to achieve the desired activities.

2. Grouping Activities: The activities are grouped together in various departments. It is further classified on the basis of section of department.

3. Assigning Activities: The person or manpower that carries out these activities are to be identified.

4. Delegation of Authority: To carry out any activity one should have sufficient enough authority. At the same time creation of responsibility to perform duties satisfactorily.

3. Staffing: Staffing is the managerial function of hiring, training and developing the required personnel to fill the various positions in the organizations.

In simple world it is also defined as a process which ensures that placing the right kind of people at right place in right time to achieve the objective of the company.

The main aim is to employ, deploy and monitoring competent staff to perform managerial activities. Staffing is a continuous activity throughout the life of an organization due to the transfers and promotions that take place.

The basis of staffing function is efficient management of personnel’s. The process of staffing person includes series of steps i.e. recruitment, selection, placement, induction, training and development, performance appraisal, career management, remuneration.  

4. Directing: “It is the process of instructing, guiding and inspiring subordinates to accomplish the business objectives”.

Directing is required at all levels of organization. Directing function is related to subordinates and therefore it is related to human factor. Direction function helps in converting plans into performance.

Direction has following elements:

1. Supervision: Implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their superiors. 

2. Motivation: It means inspiring, stimulating or encouraging the sub-ordinates with confidence to work.

3. Leadership: It is a process by which manager guides and influences the work of subordinates in desired direction.

4. Communication: It is the process of passing information, experience, opinion etc from one person to another.

5. Controlling: “It is a measurement and correction of performance standards and corrective action to accomplish the company’s objectives”.

Controlling is an end function and is made in conformities with plans.  Controlling is a pervasive function which means it is performed by managers at all levels and in all type of concerns. Controlling is forward looking so that follow-up can be made whenever required.  Controlling requires taking reviewable methods; changes have to be made wherever possible.

Following are the sub functions of controlling.

1)    Determination of objectives or standards

2)    Measurement of actual performance

3)    Comparison of actual performance with standards set

4)    Determination of difference between the two and reasons for the same

5)    Taking corrective actions so that standards set are attained. 

Reference Video:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Job Profile of Central FSO and Technical Officer


Job Profile of Central FSO and

Technical Officer


Friends, the most confusing question in the mindset of many professional are what is the exact job profile or the work to do for Central FSO and Technical Officer.

The recruitment process under FSSAI is going on and in which three major posts are assigned. These posts are central FSO, Technical officer and Assistant Director. The syllabus for central FSO and Technical Officer is the same with concern to pre and mains exams.

As the hierarchy suggest Food Commissioner is at the top with concern to food safety in the state followed by ‘Designated officer’ and then succeeded by ‘FSO’. Hence, for a convenience point of view, we could draw the following administration graph for FSSAI.


Job Profile of Central FSO and Technical Officer (TO):

The designated job profile for Central Food Safety Officer and Technical Officer seems to be covered with features like the concept, meaning, responsibility, duties, Statement of Work, Nature of Job, objective, Role in implementation in the FSS Act, 2006, points of difference.

All these parameters are covered after an extensive discussion held with many Food Commissioner, Technical Officer of FSSAI, and Food Safety Officer. I am thankful for their valuable inputs to make draw attention towards the job profile for Central FSO and Technical Officer (TO) in an improved manner.

1. Concept:

FSSAI has to enforce the law at two levels namely state and central. At state level, FSO is appointed with concern to the state authority. At certain destinations points, FSSAI appoints Central FSO with specified responsibility.

Food Authority with the confrontation with government identified certainly the location where the more central license is issued and for such places appointment of Central FSO carried on.

Whereas, Technical Officer acts as a technical assistant for the food authority. For Technical Officer, areas of expertise are already defined and they will work accordingly given directions.

2. Meaning:

As the word ‘Central’, clearly indicates the appointment of the position under the centre i.e. from FSSAI. It also implies that co-ordination between center and state could be done by means of a new position entitled ‘Central FSO’.

Then again one question could become in the mind that why the word ‘Central’ is used in the context of the post ‘Central FSO’?

I would like to clarify one thing that FSO is selected under state Food Authority and they are appointed is purely made by the Commissioner of Food Safety (Under the Jurisdiction of the State/UT). It clearly indicates that FSO has to work for the state where he or she got selected. While Central FSO implies that the person is appointed under the FSSAI and acts as a representative from a central authority.

Though there is no separate provision of Technical Officer made under the FSS Act, 2006 but it has its own impact to assist the food authority from time to time for direction.

Technical Officer acts as a representative of Assistant Director and Food Authority who give his opinion on the formulation of policy, food standards and specifications, the residual limit for pesticide, antibiotics, and others.

3. Objective:

The main objective of Central FSO is to cope with the responsibility of food safety with concern to the FSSAI.

The basic objective of the Technical Officer is to act as a think tank for the FSSAI.

4. Basic Responsibility:

Central Food Safety Officers are the field officers and the backbone of entire food safety compliance structure. The food product produced by FBO with specified regulations under the FSSA, 2006 is the responsibility of Central FSO.

Technical Officer plays an important role with concern to the policy making for the authority.

5. Statement of Work:

As we know there are three different forms of food business category namely Registration, State License, and Central License. The basic criterion for this distinction is on the basis of annual turnover.

Here, annual food business turnover if up to Rs. 12 lakh one may go for Registration. If the annual turnover is up to Rs. 20 Crores, then FBO opt for state License and If turnover more than Rs. 20 crores FBO opt for Central License. So from this perspective, where Central License issued at more numbers at that destination Central FSO is appointed.

The main work is allotted to develop the market for numerous FBO in the given area and focus in made on the structure of the food business of that state.

Technical Officer engaged in the formulation of specification of food standards, quality parameters, and laboratory reports, and so on. Technical Officers comply with the guidelines and general provisions for an article of food. They are also involved in preparing various programs for subordinate training purposes to keep high standards of technological development.

6. Duties and Powers:

The duties for Central FSO are generally considered similar to FSO who is acting for the state. But Central FSO has to perform given duty with concern to the Central representatives. The Central FSO has to play as an enforcement officer and in ensuring food safety and quality.

Duties and Powers of Central FSO:

1. To issue registration of central license as per the FSS Act, 2006 with specified parameters.

2. To inspect the premise of FBO and ensure compliance as per Schedule 4 (part I) of Food Safety and Standard (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses), Regulations 2011 within the area assigned to him.

3. Prohibit the sale of any article of food which is in contravention to the act.

4. To recommend Designated Officer (DO) to issue of improvement notice to the FBO in order to comply with the conditions of license within a prescribed time limit.

5. To coordinate and facilitate the introduction of food safety systems in the centre and state.

6. Take a sample of any food or any substance, which appears to him to be intended for sale, or to have been sold for human consumption.

7. To enter and seize any premise where any article of food to be in contravention of FSS Act, Rules or Regulations made there under.

8. To carry out food safety surveillance to identify and address the safety hazards.

9. To coordinate with the food business operator with Central License and maintain the database for area assigned to him.

Duties of Technical Officer:

1. Act as a helping hand for Assistant Director.

2. Policy making with concern to the Food Standards with available inputs.

3. Technical Officer assists for new innovations or up-gradation in the licensing system.

4. May provide assistance with the formulation of CODEX standards for different articles of food.

5. Act as decision maker for FSSAI guidelines, new rules, and implementation schedule.

6. Maintain a record of all amendments made to the rules and strategy to imply for the specified article of food.

7. To maintain a database.

7. Nature of Job:

Central FSO involved in the enforcement of the FSS, act at the ground level or act as a field job. He may be in proximity to the Designated Officer.

Central FSO appointed with regards to the following aspects.

1. As per the region or requirements

2. More number of FBO with central License.

3. States with metro destinations.

4. More attractive destinations and linking by means of air and road.

Some Important occurrence of Work Profile:

1. For Mumbai Location, many FBO registered under Central License. Hence, there may be an appointment for separate Central FSO to take care of those FBOs. For any assistance to them in accordance with the act, Central FSO helps them out with proper consultation from the centre. These are the locations where the heavy density of Central License so center appoints CFSO for such locations.

2. A location like Mahuva in Gujarat: Here, many industries arrived, and exporting acts as a big trend in that locality or premise. So in that location with concern to the global destination point of view appointment of Central FSO may effective. As, he may assists or in consultation with Food Authority for any problem persist to the FBO in that particular premise.

3. The premise with a large number of Central Units: If suppose many central licensed units are situated nearby periphery of one premise. For that location appointment of Designated Officer (D.O.) with concern to facilitate the Central FSO and may try to provide sub-regional officers hence, the provision of a central licensing to FBO of that locality. Designated Officer (DO) acts as a connecting link between Central FSO and Technical Officer (TO). As it is stated, ‘There should be an exchange of information among the enforcement authority’. Hence all of them connected as a networking domain for the Food Authority.

Ex.: Locations like Bangalore or Guwahati: Here, many Food Business Operator (FBO) with central license is procured and hence the provision of sub-regional officers in that locality.

Technical Officer addresses different types of legal requirements for the article of food.

Ex.: If any new preservatives are added to the food article then, technical officer check that any variation with concern to the quality parameters like acidity, proximate permitted levels of nutrients. He will ensure that defined standards maintained or not.

The technical officer will put a note keeping in view for any mistakes or mis-statement of the facts, to bring out clearly the question under consideration and suggest a course of action wherever possible, to draw attention where necessary to precedents or Rules and Regulations on any article of food. Also the pay scale or level for both the the position is included in Pay Level – 7.


8. Role in Implementation of FSS Act, 2006

Actual Implementation of FSS Act, 2006 enforces through Central FSO. As the representatives of the Food Authority, he may address the problem of the state towards the centre in accordance with the act. Central FSO’s main goal is to monitor and inspection of the specified destinations.

As enforcement is a subject of Food Authority and state. To implement the act with the collaboration of state, Centre appointed a post of Central FSO. Hence, Central FSO is mainly focused on the enforcement of the Act. He is an authorized person who will hold responsible for the implementation of regulatory compliance and Schedule IV compliance.

Technical Officer provides suggestion to the Food Authority or Ministry with concern to food safety with specific parameters. Technical Officer could make his view in the written format to the Ministry regarding improvising ban or providing any limit of tolerances or any toxic effect in an article of food.

Technical Officer should provide technical advice to the Designated Officer. D.O. makes co-ordination between central FSO and Technical Officer. He is involved in any new findings, advancement for any article of food under Ministerial guidelines.

9. Points of Difference:

There are many points of difference between the work profile of Central FSO and TO. For easy understanding, I am highlighting a few important distinctions.

1. As, Central FSO are the professionals, who actually implement the law, whereas Technical Officer are incurring for amendment in the FSS Act, 2006 if any.

2. Central FSO acts as a public contact point. In a general sense, they are one who actually comes across an inspection of FBO for any article of food. Hence, stability for them could be up to less extent as compared to Technical Officer.

3. Technical Officer acts as an imperative source for amendment in policymaking with concern to the required modification in the act, Rules and Regulations.

4. For easy understanding, one could say Before Licensing and Registration Technical officer perform their task while after licensing Central FSO came into effect.

5. Central FSO To carry out food safety surveillance to identify and address the safety hazards. While T.O. May provide assistance with the formulation of CODEX standards for different articles of food.

10. Future:

Both positions have their own impact on food safety enforcement. Those who wish to build their career for implementation of the FSS Act must opt for Central FSO. As a food graduate, one must have the basic knowledge about the industry, sectors, work profile and they could pave a required awareness for food safety endorsement. It is keenly important that Central FSO is an authorized identity that actually implements the act.

Those who wish to develop their career with concern to the technical support the food authority can choose the Technical officer as an option. It is core intuition that many students from food and agro background paves their way into that position.

11. Reference Video:

To know the concept in a better manner or clarification of further doubts reference video is provided for the same.

YouTube Video Link:

Summary and Conclusion:

In a nutshell, the following are observed as conclusions.

1. The person who works at the ground level is Central FSO and the major think tank for food authority is Technical Officer.

2. The appointment of Central FSO is purely on the basis of regional requirements with concern to Central license.

3. Central FSO have to co-ordinate between central and state while Technical Officer has to give technical advice to the Assistant Director.

4. The actual implementation of the FSS Act, 2006 is done via Central FSO.

5. Technical Officer acts as a policymaker whereas Central FSO acts as a policy implementer.